Create your next-gen solutions,
innovative and futureproof


Product and process development, and technological problem solving

New product development
Camping of the future by Creax innovation Agency

Co-creating your next-gen product portfolio with Creax is anticipating to future needs of your customers. Solution concepts emerge not simply through post-it sessions, but are built through concise research of consumer behavior and desires, involve future-proof technologies, are feasbile to make and give you a competitive advantage.

Sustainability is an important driver for new products. Creax uses it as an olympic minimum but also seeks to use as a leverage for your next generation portfolio. Value creation is essential. Creax therefore also creates intelligent innovation roadmaps towards your ideal solution. This ensures short- and medium-term product value along the way.

Process innovation
Innovation insights en cases

Making your process more efficient, sustainable or just smarter? Creax helps you build solution concepts for your process or process step.These concepts are not just good ideas. Creax learns from cross-industry technologies that could potentially provide the functionality you are looking for.

Creax also helps you make informed decisions about their translation into your context. This way you anticipate the potential risk of integrating it into your process.

Rethink your value chain
Ice cream of the future by innovation agency Creax

Reaching true sustainability goals requires thinking beyond Scope 1. Moreover, in a climate of increasing competition, well-informed decisions are crucial.Creax rethinks regenerative value chains by learning from best practices from different industries, overlays discovered technologies and materials on top of them, maps out potential partners and creates a framework of objective performance indicators and impact criteria.

This holistic approach assures that no dimension is forgotten during the creative phase and that it leads to smart roll-out of the new value chain.

Technological problem solving
Innovation framework by Creax

You got stuck in your own solution space and you need to break out of the expert circle? Creax employs a methodical strategy to expand problem definitions, enhance the solution space with cross-industry insights, establish connections, and develop varied and unique solution ideas.

Insights into the technology’s specific performance in existing applications enhance the generation and selection of viable concepts.Detailed plans for the further utilization of solution strategies and advice on partnership opportunities for your company facilitate seamless execution.


What benefit brings Creax to your innovation journey?

Working with Creax is an experience that resonates within your organisation.

The future becomes clear

Breakthrough solutions can emerge instantly and put your business at risk. Or it might be beneficial to pick up emerging technologies in the early stages. Creax helps monitor the full lifecycle of technology, from first signals in scientific research to trends emerging in the IP landscape and commercial space.

Discover opportunities you have not thought of before

Multi-channel insights are vital for planning your next move. Creax combines consumer insights from public forums, predicts your competitors' next steps with data, maps out technology trends across industries, tracks value chain developments, and identifies broader societal trends.

Bring structure and create focus in innovation

Your playing field is constantly changing, so a one-time shot is not enough to act in an agile manner. Creax facilitates continuous and recurrent analysis via AI-driven radars and guarantees true discovery mode, so no signals from outside your field are missed.

Or we can start with a talk

A future thinking approach

Our other services

Unbiased data-driven insights

Science, technology, IP, consumers insights, connecting the dots.

Innovation and market strategy

From foresighting, opportunities to solid roadmaps.
Our methodology

Future thinking considers your future playing field to help set your long-term ambitions, while creating smart roadmaps that allow you to seize short- and medium-term opportunities along the way.

The framework fits perfectly on top of your innovation journey. It enables you to ensure insights are not forgotten and provides tools to make decisions and enrich the ideation phase to co-create concepts for your future-proof solutions.

What clients say about us

We are grateful for the analysis that they carried out on our portfolio. This has validated some of the decisions that we have already taken with regard to curtailing some of our patents with limited commercial value. It has also given us an overall independent assessment of the value across the portfolio, which can act as a baseline map onto which to target actions towards future decision points on the individual patent families. This has put us in a better position to plan for the future than we were in before.
Derek Watson
St. Andrews University
Creax delivers in 3 weeks what we have not been able to reach in 6 months.
Jean-Thierry Simonnet
International Director

Building on two decades of experience with over 1,250 projects in a wide range of industries. Creax is a trustworthy innovation partner.

Creax nv
Vaartstraat 130, 8500 Kortrijk (B)

See what's behind | Diamond 3

See what's behind | Diamond 2

See what's behind | Diamond 1